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MonkMakes 7-segment for micro:bit


The 7-segment for micro:bit is a four digit 7-segment display for micro:bit.

13,97 € 13.97 EUR 13,97 € Toutes taxes comprises

13,97 € Toutes taxes comprises

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Référence interne: MON-00066

The 7-segment for micro:bit is a four digit 7-segment display for micro:bit. You can use it to display numbers, but it can also display letters and other characters, albeit with the limits imposed by the 7 segments of each digit.

Powered directly from micro:bit pins it can be used to send messages to the display using the micro:bit’s Serial blocks.

Please note that this version of the 7-Segment for micro:bit uses a red LED display rather than the green display of earlier versions.
