Velleman Construction kit
Interne referentie:
Construction kit compatible with Raspberry Pi®
Content :
- 1 x solderless breadboard, 830 plug-in points
- 10 x 10K resistance
- 10 x 560R resistance
- 10 x 5.1K resistance
- 1 x 1602 LCD module
- 1 x T-shaped GPIO expansion board
- 1 x tape cable for GPIO board
- 1 x IR receiver (VMA317)
- 1 x mini remote for VMA317
- 1 x 50K potentiometer
- 4 x 4-pole push button with round cover (12 x 12 mm)
- 2 x red LED 5 mm
- 2 x green LED 5 mm
- 2 x yellow LED 5 mm
- 1 x RGB LED 5 mm
- 1 x 40-pole male pinheader (2.54 mm), single row
- 1 x PIR motion sensor (VMA314)
- 1 x 5 V relay module (VMA406)
- 1 x 5 V-step motor with ULN2003 driver
- 1 x DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor
- 1 x PL2303 serial adapter cable USB-TTL
- 1 x rain sensor
- 2 x LDR resistance 0.1-500K
- 1 x temperature sensor (DS18B20)
- 1 x transparent storage box (200 x 140 x 48 mm)
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